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I would guess that not too many folks involved with garages or industry in North America don’t know about NAPA (North American Parts Alliance). A logical part of the NAPA product mix is NAPA air compressors.
This page will provide you with as much relevant information as possible, where you can seek help, download manuals, and navigate existing problems and solutions available on this site.
Table of Contents
- NAPA Information
- NAPA Contact Information
- NAPA Air Compressor Manuals
- NAPA Air Compressor Parts
- NAPA Air Compressor Troubleshooting, Problems & Fixes
NAPA Information
The National Automotive Parts Association (NAPA) has been around for eight decades, formed to provide a streamlined method of getting auto parts from source to user.
Nowadays, NAPA doesn’t just sell auto parts, but ancillary equipment for garages and other auto repair shops. Most anybody can walk into a NAPA outlet to pick up a host of industrial and automotive related items.
NAPA boasts of “global manufacturing,” which I interpret as saying they buy products from around the world. They don’t say that these manufacturers are connected with NAPA other than as a supplier. Some of these suppliers are branding product with NAPA’s name on it, and this brings us back to the NAPA air compressors which are, I believe, branded for them by one the mainstream compressor manufacturers.

NAPA offers a reasonably broad range of air compressors, from their Air Boss consumer-oriented compressors to their industrial heavy-duty line with reciprocating or rotary screw pumps.
NAPA Contact Information
As a supplier of air compressors and components, I believe NAPA to be a cut above when it comes to after sales service for their compressors. They might actually have folks on staff that know how compressors work. They seem to welcome customers’ requests, and as I always do, if you have a question about your NAPA air compressor, consider contacting them first.
For NAPA air Compressors Product Support, please call them (have the model and the serial number of your machine available when you call)
T: 1-800-538-6272
E: customersupport@napaonline.com
W: https://www.napaonline.com/
NAPA are also in Canada!
W: https://www.napacanada.com/
NAPA (Amazingly) are also in the UK (a bit far from North America!)
NAPA Air Compressor Manuals
Manuals for your NAPA brand air compressors. Download each by clicking the link.
NAPA Air Compressor Parts
I couldn’t find any NAPA replacement parts directly sold on Amazon. However, if you visit their air compressor and accessories section of the website here, you can browse replacement parts, air dryers and water eliminators, air line filters, air lubricators and regulators, hoses and fittings, along with maintenance and repair kits.
NAPA Air Compressor Troubleshooting, Problems & Fixes
If you have any questions about NAPA air compressors, please leave a comment below, with a photo if applicable, so that someone can help you!