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by Jamestaylor
(Burlington county)
When start the machine after few seconds compressor starts spitting hydraulic oil out the air hose.
I replaced the filter and hydraulic oil.
Even full or low on oil it continues to split oil out, everything seems to be working pump wise.

185 spitting hydraulic oil
You changed the filter? As in separator filter?
If you changed the separator, then maybe your scavenge line is clogged. Probably, even.
Check it out and please let us know.
Existing Ingersoll Rand P185 tow behind compressor pages:
- Ingersoll Rand P185 Tow Behind Compressor Parts, Manuals, Information
- Use ATF in a P-185
- Adjust air pressure on an I/R 185
- I/R 185 cuts out under load
- I-R 185 bogs down and dies
- Ingersoll Rand 185 pumping oil with air
- P-185 stalling
- I/R 185 shutting down
- Ingersoll Rand P185WJD parts catalogue
- Ingersoll Rand 185 intermittent shut down
- Ingersoll Rand 185 blowing air out of pressure relief
- Ingersoll Rand P185 running hot & oil is dark
- Ingersoll Rand P-185 ran out of fuel and now won’t start
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