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by Jordan Siwicki
(Rochester NY USA)
Hi. I have searched and searched and searched and cant seem to find anything of this pump on the internet.
It has a small “rod knock” when it first turns on, but after a second of running and pressure is built up in the head it goes away.
I would like to repair it as that is not good in the long run.
We recently bought this used a month or so ago and have no information on it. It is an old(1964 was told from Grainger) Speedaire Compressor. I have called Grainger and talked to a few tech’s, and all 3 have determined that the pump has been replaced along with the belt cage which is Blue and Speedaire products are always Speedaire Green.
The pump has NO information on it. The sticker or DATA plate has been removed, I assume there was one because I found a spot where it may have been. So I don’t think any info from the Compressor assemble would help or not.
It is a 10HP motor that runs this.
The diameter of the flywheel on the pump is 18 1/2″.
There are 2 casting numbers found on the pump. One is on the lower part of the head below the air filter 81300, the other being on the exhaust manifold 80999.
I will have a picture of the whole compressor. One of the front of the compressor to show the piping behind the flywheel which seems to be very distinct and I think it may be a specific manufacturer that does this. One of the back where i think the name would be. And one of the right side from above the motor. I hope this is enough info, and the that the pictures are enough. i can attach more that I have or take more if we need a specific view. Thank you in advance.
It’s an Italian pump made by Ceccato. They used to be a CompAir brand. They are very simple but seem to last pretty good for what they are. I don’t know where you might find parts for them nowadays, but I’m sure they are laying on a shelf somewhere.
That’s It!
by: Jordan
Thank you so much!
I looked up this brand, and they look identical to what i have! Now I’m still going to look for a rebuild kit or parts or whatever i can find.
The pump is still running very well, still has the knock at start up, but hasn’t seem to have gotten any worse.
Again, thank you so much! Now I have a direction i can look for parts!
Jordan, the original images went missing. If you get a chance, would you please add them below in a comment? Thank you.