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Campbell Hausfeld Air Compressor Not Building Pressure – Solutions & Causes

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This article will serve as a hub for all Campbell Hausfeld air compressor not building pressure, related issues. It’s a very common problem for Campbell Hausfeld air compressor will not build pressure, and so, this article will present the reasons why this occurs, along with current reader questions and answers.

Table of Contents

Why My Campbell Hausfeld Air Compressor Won’t Build Pressure

The most likely reasons why your Bostitch air compressor won’t build pressure are:

  • Campbell Hausfeld Compressor intake valve failing
  • Campbell Hausfeld compressor pump pressure valve failing
  • Campbell Hausfeld compressor gasket failure
  • Campbell Hausfeld compressor piston seal failure
  • Campbell Hausfeld tank check valve is compromised

Please visit our Why An Air Compressor Won’t Build Pressure & How To Fix A Compressor Not Building Pressure guide for detailed information on each, along with how to conduct the necessary checks!

Reader Questions & Responses

WL670100AJ Campbell Hausfeld Compressor Not Building Pressure


I have model # WL670100AJ 1.7HP 26 GALLON. WILL NOT BUILD MORE THAN 90PSI. The compressor will run and pump until it reaches 90 psi, it will not go beyond that.

Campbell Hausfeld WL604006AJ air compressor

I have drained the tank, what can I do to fix this problem?


Tracy, are you using an extension cord? If so, is this new?

Are you hearing anything unusual from the pump, besides the pump running, when the tank pressure gets to 90 PSI?

What happens if you leave the compressor running?

A bit more info is required or, you can check out the troubleshooting pages on this site that offer links to lots of pages with info about what to do when your compressor runs but doesn’t build pressure.


HJ300100 Campbell Hausfeld Air Compressor Won’t Build Pressure


I have an HJ300100 Campbell Hausfeld air compressor, 3 yrs. old, used primarily on weekends to help w/ remodeling.

One day while using it, the machine stopped building pressure while still running just fine.

I have replaced the piston and cylinder wall (Kit assembly)and new pressure switch but still no tank or output pressure.

Campbell Hausfeld HG300000 compressor
Campbell Hausfeld HG300000 compressor

I have let the motor run for ten minutes, but again no tank pressure.

The discharge hose from the motor to the tank has plenty of output and the small house to the pressure switch also has air going through it.

I have drained the tank also.

Pulling the air release valve on the manifold also does not confirm any tank pressure.


Mike, that there is air flowing into the tank when you pull the line says that as long as there is little or no back pressure then the pump sends air that way.

However, I suspect that as soon as there is back pressure from the tank, the gasket between the high and low-pressure sides of the pump lets go, and air cycles back and forth, or, your intake or pressure valves have a problem.

To me, this means finding a pump rebuild kit and tearing down the pump to check and replace parts where necessary.

Please let us know how that went.

Campbell Hausfeld wl6701 Air Compressor Not Building Pressure

Question: I have a Campbell Hausfeld wl6701 that will not build air pressure although everything seems to be operating normally can you help?

Response: Your compressor cannot be operating normally if it isn’t building pressure now, can it?

Please shut off the compressor, drain the tank from the tank drain, shut the tank drain, and restart.

Does it start properly now?

Let it run for a couple of minutes and monitor the tank gauge. Any change whatsoever from the zero reading it should have when you drained the tank?

If no pressure is built, shut the compressor off, and find the intake port. Start the compressor. Is air being pulled into this port as the compressor runs? You might have to remove the intake filter to check this.

Comment: about Harold’s WL661100AJ

Yes, the air is being sucked into the air intake.

Response to comment

Harold, as long as the air is only being pulled in, and not huffing back out, then that suggests that your intake valve is good.

That leaves a pressure-related gasket leak or a high-pressure valve to be checked. Those will require a teardown, I’m afraid.

Campbell Hausfeld 5hp 20-gallon VS500602AJ Air Compressor Not Building Pressure Quickly

A new Question: Just bought a used 5hp 20-gallon compressor (VS500602AJ) and it seems slow to fill. It takes about 4 minutes to go from empty to the cut off at 125lbs.

An 80 gallon Campbell Hausfeld air compressor
An 80 gallon Campbell Hausfeld air compressor

I do get a little puffing at the intake which leads me to think that I’m losing some of the chargebacks out of the intake.

The rear bearing on the motor is a little noisy also. What do you think?

Question: Ian, yup, that sounds a bit slow, but not too bad, considering the great deal you got… did you?

You will have to do some re & re on the intake valve, and I suspect the high-pressure valve too. They may be part of the same plate.

If you can’t lube the bearing, then I suspect it is not long for the world either. Yet, you can still use the compressor, weigh what you would spend in time and money against the cost of rebuilding, and maybe just use it up?

Comment: by: Ian. Changed the oil in the pump a few minutes ago and it looked like creamy white gravy. Looks like this compressor might not have been such a good deal after all. Thanks, Bill.

Response to comment: That might be the presence of water, a by-product of compressing air, and indicative of piston seal leaking. Might be that’s all it needs.

But, are you getting air out? Is it doing work for you? Might have been a good deal after all, like my $10 air compressor I talk about on my videos page.

Comment: by: Ian. Yes, I get the air out of it and it does ok, just slow to reach cutoff and slow to recover. I bought it primarily to provide air for a plasma cutter. I’m hesitant to put much money into it. A set of valves costs $41 and if the motor goes, that’s $130 at Harbor Freight. It’s also missing the intake filter that runs $9 plus shipping. That would put me at about $185 and I would still have a compressor with a 9-year-old tank that I got about 2 cups of rusty water out of. I think I’ll just “use it up” as you put it and buy new next time. Hopefully, the motor or pump will fail and not the tank. OUCH! Thanks for the help, Bill. 🙂

Response to comment: Most welcome. Delighted to provide any help. Tell me Ian, is the spelling of HF’s name a Freudian slip?? 🙂

Comment: by: Ian. Purely intentional Bill, purely intentional… LOL


If you have any questions about Campbell Hausfeld air compressor not building pressure, please leave a comment below, with a photo if applicable, so that someone can help you!

By Aidan Weeks

A passionate Mechanical Engineer with endless enthusiasm for fluid power - building off the back of over 18 years of high quality contribution and discussion stimulated by Bill Wade here at About Air Compressors. With both practical and theoretical experience in pneumatics and hydraulics, I'm putting my knowledge to work - and working my grey-matter through my research, assistance and publishing work here at About Air Compressors. Feel free to reach out any time! P.S. A HUGE shout out to Doug who really offers such great value to all visitors to About Air Compressors - once again, feeling like I'm standing on the shoulders of GIANTS by getting to work alongside such a great community

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