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Welcome to the About Air Compressors Online Support Community

Here are some of the latest support discussions taking place right now - join in, help where you can, request help when you need it - and be kind!

Connecting Two Air Compressors Together – Dual Air Compressor Setup for More Air & CFM

Connecting two air compressors together can provide you with a solution to a lack of airflow supplying your higher-demand air…

Why An Air Compressor Won’t Build Pressure & How to Fix an Air Compressor Not Building Pressure

Why is it a compressor will not build pressure? Does the following describe what’s happening, or rather, what’s not happening,…

What Size Extension Cord For An Air Compressor – Best Air Compressor Extension Cords

If you can avoid using an extension cord with your air compressor, do so, but if you can’t, how do…

Identifying an Older Air Compressor – Serial Numbers, Photos & Antique Air Compressor Identification

Are you having an issue with identifying an older air compressor? Air compressors have been around in one form or…

Connecting Two Air Compressor Tanks Together – How to Add an Additional Tank to the System

I get a lot of questions about whether or not it’s a good idea to implement an additional tank to…

Air Compressor Keeps Tripping Circuit Breaker – Why & How to Fix Air Compressor Breaker Tripping

A circuit breaker is an electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from the excess current which will result…

Air Compressor Fittings Sizes Guide – Compressed Air Fittings Guide, Types & Sizes

Air compressor fittings are essential to keeping your unit running efficiently and delivering the air power you require for your…

Kobalt 20 gallons 0332041 won’t build enough pressure help please

by Omar Hello my compressor Kobalt model 0332041 20 gallons won’t build enough pressure cut out pressure is 150psi and…

Air Compressor Regulator Repair – Guide to Fixing Air Compressor Regulator Not Working

When you have an air compressor regulator not working, the task of air compressor regulator repair can offer its own…